Penguin Random House Launching Stranger Things!
Fans love to think and speculate about all the stories, characters and nuances of an entertainment property. I started the publishing initiative at Netflix because I believe that publishing is an exciting way to extend an entertainment world. Books can expand storylines that add meaningful depth, further suspense and even intrigue for the fans.
I was fortunate to meet Charlie Melcher of Melcher Media and learn about the amazing books they have developed for entertainment properties. The books are rich with content and its an experience to explore their printed works. As I put the deal with Penguin Random House (PRH) together I knew I wanted to develop a book with Charlie too. PRH had worked with Charlie before and they were open to the concept of collaborating on a title so we were off and running.
I didn’t want to do a traditional behind-the-scenes book - Stranger Things and Matt & Ross are worthy of so much more. Inspired by Charlie’s publications, I developed an idea for the book that shares the journey that Matt & Ross have embarked upon as filmmakers through the success of Stranger Things. I knew fans of the series would like it and I thought it would be inspiring to anyone in or wanting to be in the entertainment industry. Everyone loved the idea, and “Worlds Turned Upside Down” was born.
I love this book and the execution is flawless, down to the ripped cover, the secret elements and so much more. A must-have for a Stranger things fan!
The book released on October 30th just in time for the 2018 holidays! Sneak peak inside the book HERE from Penguin Random House.
There are more works coming from PRH and here is an exclusive from Entertainment Weekly on the upcoming titles, highlighting the first novel “Suspicious Minds” written by Gwenda Bond that is a prequel of sorts to the series.
Huge thanks to everyone involved in this book and for honoring Matt & Ross Duffer’s vision for Stranger Things!
PLUS: Great article about Stranger Things Worlds Turned Upside Down in Entertainment Weekly